Dinner......with a snack
Briannas snowman she made today, the snow that we are getting and Brianna and my husband playing in the snow......
Sunday, December 12, 2010
playing catch up!!!
So I have a few mintues to blog about the last couple months. I have been in nursing school and that has taken at least 80 percent of my time. I feel like I have left out of this Christmas season, so far I havent had the urge to bake like I did the following years. I can't believe that in 2 weeks it's christmas!!! I don't even have my shopping done. Makes me crazy!!!! But the good news is I'm pretty sure at this point I'll be moving on to my 2nd semester. pretty exciting considering there have been many 1st time fails. It has been other than being a Mom first one of the hardest things I have done so far. Thinking I would know just as much as a doctor, its that intense. And if your already a nurse you know what I am talking about!!! So here are some pictures of the kids at halloween and making Christmas cookies I have it all just trying to catch up.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Getting ready fro CHRISTmas!!!!
We spent my only day off decorating our Christmas tree. I had to take a picture of it before it got ruined by our lovely cats. One was around last year and so timid around us she didn't mess with it too much. This year Princess has warmed up to us and Bowser is our nosey cat. So here is our tree, I'll take another picture when we decide to take it down.
Friday, October 8, 2010
sick, sick, sick.....
The whole house is sick!!!! It's been a long week not even sure how I made it through. Monday I had school and right after I had to work and Jim had a layover. So this meant I had to get a sitter. Sitter came and I got like 20 phone calls all night to tell me Brianna was sick and pucking all over....ewwww!!! So I kept her home Tuesday as I studied most of the day, Wednesday came and the kids had a late start so they didn't go in till 10:45 and after they left I studied more, getting a phone call and thinking the whole time Trevor is going to be next it was the school calling because Brianna was sick again. I got her home and she than blurts out "Mommy you have been so busy and I just wanted to spend time with you!!!" Sweet but you should have stayed at school. Wednesday Jim went back out for a layover again and bright and early the next day He calls and tells me he was up all night puking!!!! GRRR!!! I had 2 tests this week and I can't afford to get puky sick. So as the morning goes on very quickly I got the kids ready for school left and went to school myself and are you ready???? picked the kids up for a dentist appt. at 3:30 got home and took Trevor to soccer at 5:30 and Brianna had swimming at 7-8. Got home gave the kids a bath and dinner put them to bed and I was beat!!!!! And the whole time this week I have been dealing with allergies and sinus and it has taken me down but I have to stay above it all that's what Moms do. Right? Now remember when you were little and your mom was sick? Makes ya think doesn't it??
Saturday, October 2, 2010
The's over!!!
So Briannas party was today and boy did we have a great time. I am so exhausted but all this hard work was worth it. Brianna took invitations to school and gave one to her librarian and she came!!!! That was a very pleasant surprise. She had her cousin and her friend form last year and another friend from down the street. Oh and other than the librarian no one came that she invited from school. So they lost out on the yummy cupcakes, the pizza from pizza hut and the gifts with candy, silly band rings etc.... but overall she had a good time.
Yesterday I went out for speed work and ran 2 miles, I haven't been running that great lately and I felt pretty good but like I said it was 2 miles and when you have it in your head you can give it a little more than if your going 5. The first mile I got 7:47 and the second was 8:45 but hey the last few runs that I have been running is somewhere on the average of 9:30-10:00 so it was a pick up. I'm actually sore today from it.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Happy Birthday my precious!!!!
Well, so far this is what I have: the cookies, cupcakes and small cake. Once I get it displayed I think it will be ok, I'm just really mad that I coudln't find famous chocolate waffers!!!! I had to use fondant and it dropped only because I didn't have the time to wait for it to get hard. Oh well who said a dog couldn't have ears that flop LOL!!!! More pictures from the party to come.
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
morning run.....
So the kids are on their way to school!!! I'm going to get ready to go for a run, just a fun relaxing one. This morning was a little nuts it is spirit day and the kids dressed in black and red, one kid told me it was black and red and the other told me it was black and white. They both went with black and red, and I also painted a bobcat print on their cheek. Not long after it was on they smudged it already. Thats what kids do.
Tomorrow is my baby girls 8th birthday and this party was the one I was dreaming of having. She wants Dalmatians and black pink and white. I am so excited for it!!!! I love Dalmatians I have loved them since I was a teenager. Not to mention she wants pink and black and white. I am doing a mini cake with Dalmatian dog cupcakes around it and sugar cookies in the shape of dog bones. I will post pictures after Saturday. I'm hoping her friends come and she invited her librarian I thought that was a riot!!! She actually told her she was coming. After my run I have to get back to clean this place really good, Thursday I have school, and Friday I work than I have to get up for Trevors soccer game @ 9am than it's party time!!!!
Tomorrow is my baby girls 8th birthday and this party was the one I was dreaming of having. She wants Dalmatians and black pink and white. I am so excited for it!!!! I love Dalmatians I have loved them since I was a teenager. Not to mention she wants pink and black and white. I am doing a mini cake with Dalmatian dog cupcakes around it and sugar cookies in the shape of dog bones. I will post pictures after Saturday. I'm hoping her friends come and she invited her librarian I thought that was a riot!!! She actually told her she was coming. After my run I have to get back to clean this place really good, Thursday I have school, and Friday I work than I have to get up for Trevors soccer game @ 9am than it's party time!!!!
Monday, September 27, 2010
study, study, study......
I have been going to school for almost 3 weeks and it is moving by very quickly, I am left with very little time to enjoy my family. So much has happened!!! Where should I start, My Grandma left for Florida this morning and earlier we celebrate Briannas Birthday so she could enjoy it too. She had an awesome time and got nice gifts from her family.
This is the 4 generation, Phyllis the Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother also known as GG. Cheryl the Mother and Grand mother, Me of course Christyna just the mother for now and Brianna my little precious princess:
We went out and enjoyed a day at Wilcotts orchard.......well let correct that, it kinda wasn't the best. Apples were expensive, they didn't have any rides going and they didn't have their hay rides up and going. It really was a bummer:( but as the picture shows its not where we were its was who we were with.
This is the 4 generation, Phyllis the Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother also known as GG. Cheryl the Mother and Grand mother, Me of course Christyna just the mother for now and Brianna my little precious princess:
Monday, September 13, 2010
Only my second day of school and I went out to buy a rolling backpack, my books don't even fit in that!!! I think I need a suitcase, no kidding when I say I have spotted a few. It is a ton of work but I am ready....haha I hope:) I have to get out and run tomorrow morning, I think I am going to do my normal "almost" 6 miles. I love it and it is in an area where there are things going on all the time. I just feel like I cant anymore I am bummed I think it is age and I know for sure it is some what genetics as well, I'll never be fast but hey I'm doing it.
Friday, September 10, 2010
jumping into fall.....
We are getting closer to fall and that makes me, well not so excited however I do like the change of seasons in Michigan. The only problem I have with fall is the next season is winter and it seems to last forever
. So I sent the kids to play out in the nice cooler days of late summers and I had to twist their arm to do it. Ultimately I won the battle. Plans were when the kids got off the bus I was going to play with them and unknown to me they invited their friends to play, they played outside, a little frustration with them in and out but I had to put a stop to that. We ended up leaving to go to the store and both neighbor kids had to go home, they were not happy but life as it is. We got back from the store ate dinner and made pumpkin oatmeal cookies. I had two. Ok so I tasted some of the batter, oh man they won't be around here for long. With the up coming days ahead I get excited because it gives me an excuse to bake. I love to bake, anything that is. I make a gazillion cookies every year, one for the post man the UPS driver the teachers at school get my point, lots of cookies. Earlier today I spent my time doing all the laundry and cleaning I also rented a movie "The Backup Plan" with Jennifer Lopez and the whole time I watched it I was on the elliptical 1hr. 40min. and over 1,000 calories burned I felt pretty good. Not so sure that thing tells the truth. Have a long day tomorrow I get up bright and early to take Trevor to his first soccer game @ 9:00am and than I have to go to work @ 2:30. I for sure am going to be tired. When I get home I'm going to need to read my school books. That's all for now.......

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The first day of school......
This means I'll be back to school as well, RN clinicals. Nervous a little but I just want it over with. As for my kids the morning went by smoothly and Brianna was so excited however Trevor didn't show the same excitement. It was bitter sweet watching them get on the bus a leaving. I did forget to cry only because I didn't want to take away the happiness of them. I visited the porcelain goddess and read a small story then I headed out for a run. I was doing pretty good the first 4 miles 9:45 min/mile but because I decided to run my course backwards only thinking of that awful headwind, I got it ALL the way back home. It just about killed me!!! I'm still alive and getting ready to take a bath now. In the Peace and quiet.
Both kids getting on the bus.....
This is my beautiful Brianna she was so excited!!!
This is my handsome little guy Trevor.
Brianna hooked her lunch bag to her backpack it was so big I think she will do better if she just put her lunch inside her bag. Trevor has the same backpack but it is on back order I hope to get it this week sometime.
Thumbs up for an awesome day!!!!! I love you guys!!!!
Monday, September 6, 2010
rain, rain go away!!!!!
I thought the last day before we go back to school would have been a little better than rain:(( I got my beautiful Brianna her shoes and the rest of both kids supplies for tomorrow. This day came way too fast. Both are excited for school but I am not!!!!
Went for a run yesterday and had to cut it short, it was a rough one, average 9:58/mile. I only went 3.76 miles. What happened to my 8 flats???? Will I ever get back there? The last few years had been torture, oh well at least I'm still doing it and when I hit 40 I hope I can.(not very far away)
Went for a run yesterday and had to cut it short, it was a rough one, average 9:58/mile. I only went 3.76 miles. What happened to my 8 flats???? Will I ever get back there? The last few years had been torture, oh well at least I'm still doing it and when I hit 40 I hope I can.(not very far away)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
so tired.......
I feel like I have been on the go, go, go, go, go, for the last week I wish life would slow down and I am so sad to know that I consider myself no longer a SAHM(stay at home Mom) I have a job and I am a full time student. So nerve racking to start this Thursday. Tons of pressure on me and I'm so not ready for it, was as of how I feel now. I'm sure going to sleep good tonight, we had a yard sale this w/e and I had to work in the middle of it. Staying busy from 6:30am to 11:00pm gets pretty tiring. I did have help but still took a lot out of me. This is the last w/e I have before school starts I just want to relax and do nothing.......

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Nursing program
Monday, August 30, 2010
you just have to be silly!!!!
TRICK or TREAT......early......
I had to work but my lovely husband took our children out to their GG's house (where she stays for the summer) to trick or treat. Yeah, yeah it's early but for the elderly that leave to go back to Fl. this gives them the fun they are going to miss come the actual holiday!!!! GG....this is my Grandmother, my moms mother, and GG is for Great Grandmother. She just turned 80 this year bless her heart. She still gets around on her own, such a sweet lady with tons of energy and still going strong. I made her birthday cake for her I think it was the best I ever made, some beg to differ. Here are a few pics.

Sunday, August 29, 2010
August 29 2010 The day after......
I ran the crim road race yesterday and I really am sore this morning. It was an awesome day, not a down moment and I am paying for it now. I decided that because it was my Dads last crim (for a while)I would enjoy the run with him. I wasn't out to break any records and of course I wasn't going to win. We or should I say he had a goal to make it in before 2 hours, and we did, with 4 minutes to spare. Yay for us!!! Than I came back and went for the 5k(3.1 miles) walk with my friend that is wanting to get into run/walking. After all that we did and was done before noon we had to go to work. Yes I was exhausted!!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010
the night before the big race!!!!
Went and picked up my number and packet for the crim!!(coolest race in Michigan) Went back home for a little bit and went back up to the expo and hung out with my Dad. We went and had pizza tonight. I am going to enjoy my race running with my Dad. I'm pretty sue it's his last one . I remember he ran with me at my first marathon, to repay him I will be his shadow tomorrow to help him get to the finish line. What an exciting day!!!!

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